Recently Abdul Kalam has spoken about Ramanaya, the need to understand when it happened and most importatnly about the 'Ramar-Sethu' - the bridge built by Lord Ram etc. He has also eulogized the vedic period,the agricultural and medical practices of those times.
I am afraid Kalam would be taken to task by the 'secular' media and the 'secular' political parties and the pseudo-secular intellectuals starting from Mr and Mrs Karat, N.Ram, Manishankar Iyer, most importantly Digvijay Singh, the 'secularist fountainhead', and ofcourse our stalwart Kapil Sibal who has got the most stupid answer on almost every thing on earth (eg: "The Classical Theory of 'zero' loss due to 2G").
The rationalists from Tamil Nadu would probably not open their mouth considering their current travails but you can expect the mouthpiece Veeramani to shoot his mouth out very soon !
So, Dr.Kalam, be prepared for some 'secular' handling by the born again secularists !!
பண்டைய இந்தியா குறித்து அறிவியலாளர்களும் மொழி அறிஞர்களும் ஆராய்ச்சி நடத்த வேண்டும், குறிப்பாக ராமாயண காலத்தையும் அதனுடன் தொடர்புள்ளதாகக் கூறப்படும் இடங்களையும் எல்லா கோணங்களிலும் ஆராய வேண்டும் என்று முன்னாள் குடியரசுத் தலைவர் அப்துல் கலாம் வலியுறுத்தினார்.
கிறிஸ்து பிறப்பதற்கு 2,000 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்னால் நடந்த நிகழ்ச்சிகளை அறிவியல்பூர்வமாக ஆராய்வது தொடர்பான தேசிய கருத்தரங்கு தில்லியில் சனிக்கிழமை நடந்தது. அதில் அப்துல் கலாம் கலந்துகொண்டு பேசினார்.
"இரண்டாயிரம் ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்னால் இந்தியர்கள் எப்படி வாழ்ந்தார்கள், விவசாயம் செய்தார்கள், கால்நடைகளை வளர்த்தார்கள், நகரங்களை நிர்மாணித்தார்கள், கிராம சபைகளை நிர்வகித்தார்கள், அரசுகள் எப்படி செயல்பட்டன, வெளிநாடுகளுடனான தொடர்புகள் எப்படி இருந்தன, உழவுக் கருவிகளையும் போர்க் கருவிகளையும் எப்படி வடித்தார்கள், உலோகவியலை எப்படிக் கற்றார்கள், ஆடைகளை நெய்யவும் சாயம் ஏற்றவும் எப்படி அறிந்தார்கள், வியாபாரத்தை எப்படி நடத்தினார்கள், கவிதைகளையும் காவியங்களையும் எப்படிப் படைத்தார்கள், நோயற்ற வாழ்வு வாழ என்ன விதமான உடல் உழைப்புகளையும் விளையாட்டுகளையும் யோகாசனங்களையும் மேற்கொண்டார்கள் என்றெல்லாம் ஆராய்வது இப்போதைய தலைமுறைக்கும் பலன்களைத் தரும்.
வரலாற்று ஆசிரியர்களும் அறிவியல் அறிஞர்களும் வேத பண்டிதர்களும் கருத்துகளைப் பரிமாறிக்கொள்வதன் மூலம் பலவற்றை நாம் புதிதாகத் தெரிந்துகொள்ள முடியும்.
நான் ராமேஸ்வரத்தில் பிறந்தேன். என்னுடைய ஊர் ராமாயண இதிகாசத்துடன் நெருங்கிய தொடர்பு உள்ளது.
என்னுடைய கண் முன்னே கந்தமானபர்வதம் விரிகிறது. இங்கிருந்துதான் ராமர் இலங்கையைப் பார்த்திருக்கிறார். ராமேஸ்வரத்திலேயே மிகவும் புகழ்பெற்ற இடமான கோதண்டராமர் கோயில் என் கண் முன்னே தோன்றுகிறது. நகரின் மையமான பகுதியில் ராமநாத ஸ்வாமி ஆலயம் இருக்கிறது. சேது பந்தனத்துக்காக ராமர் தன்னுடைய கையாலேயே பிடித்த சிவலிங்கம் இங்கேதான் இருக்கிறது. இந்த இடத்தில் சிவனை வழிபட்டுத்தான் சேதுவை அமைக்கும் வேலையை ஆரம்பிக்கிறார் ராமர். பிறகு வானர சேனையுடன் கடலைக் கடந்து இலங்கையில் நுழைந்து சண்டையிடுகிறார்.
சிறு வயது முதலே எனக்கு ராமாயணக் கதையைக் கேட்பதில் ஆர்வம் அதிகம். ராமர், லட்சுமணர், ஹனுமான், சுக்ரீவன் ஆகியோர் எந்த இடத்திலிருந்து இலங்கை மீது தாக்குதலைத் தொடுத்தனர் என்பதை அறிய நானும் ஆர்வமாக இருக்கிறேன்.
வேதகாலத்தில் இயற்கையோடு இயைந்த வேளாண் சாகுபடி முறைகளைத்தான் நம்முடைய முன்னோர்கள் கடைப்பிடித்தனர். அவற்றை அறிவதன் மூலம் நாம் ஏராளமான பாடங்களைப் படிக்கலாம்.
வேத காலத்தில் மண்ணின் தன்மையைப் பொருத்து நிலங்களை 12 வகைகளாக நம்முடைய முன்னோர்கள் வகுத்துள்ளனர். அவற்றுக்கேற்ற தானியங்களையும் காய்கறிகளையும் கனிகளையும் கிழங்குகளையும் கீரைகளையும் பயிரிட்டுப் பலன் கண்டுள்ளனர். கால்நடை வளர்ப்பில் கை தேர்ந்தவர்களாக இருந்திருக்கின்றனர்.
வேளாண்மைக்கு இயற்கையான முறையில் எரு தயாரித்துப் பயன்படுத்தியுள்ளனர். நிலத்தையும் உயிரினங்களையும் நச்சுப்படுத்தும் ரசாயன உரங்களையும் பூச்சிக்கொல்லிகளையும் அவர்கள் பயன்படுத்தியதே இல்லை.
வேதகால இலக்கியத்திலும் அதற்குப் பிந்தைய இலக்கியங்களிலும் ஏராளமான அறிவியல் கருத்துகள் புதைந்து கிடக்கின்றன.
ராமாயண காலத்தை நாம் அறுதியிட்டு அறிந்து கொள்ளும் வகையில் அன்றைய கோள்களின் இயக்கங்கள் குறித்து வால்மீகி ஏராளமான தகவல்களை அந்தக் காவியத்தில் தந்திருக்கிறார்.
அந்த காலத்தில் இருந்த நாடுகளின் தன்மைகளை, அவற்றின் அமைப்பை, மண் வளத்தை, மக்களின் பழக்க வழக்கங்களை, கலாசாரத்தை மிக அற்புதமாகப் பதிவு செய்திருக்கிறார். அந்தக் கால மன்னர்களின் குல வரிசையையும் கூறியிருக்கிறார்.
அந்தக் கால பருவநிலைகளையும் பருவ நிலைகளில் ஏற்படும் மாற்றங்களையும் நன்றாகவே பதிவு செய்திருக்கிறார்.
ராமாயணத்தில் வரும் குறிப்புகளைக் கொண்டு ஆராய்ந்ததில் ராமாயணம் நிகழ்ந்து சுமார் 7,000 ஆண்டுகள் ஆகியிருக்க வேண்டும் என்ற முடிவுக்கு பல அறிஞர்கள் வந்துள்ளனர்.
வால்மீகி ராமாயணத்தில் தரும் குறிப்புகளின்படியே அதே இடத்தில்தான் ராமர் கட்டிய சேது (பாலம்) இன்றைக்கும் இருக்கிறது. கடந்த 7,000 ஆண்டுகளில் இந்தப் பகுதியில் கடலில் நீர் மட்டம் சுமார் 9 அடிக்கு அதிகரித்துவிட்டதாக அறிவியல் நிபுணர்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றனர். ராம சேது இன்றைக்கு கடல் மட்டத்துக்கு 9 அடி ஆழத்தில்தான் இருக்கிறது.
பேச்சு வழக்கு எப்போது வந்தது, வால்மீகி ராமாயணம் எப்போது பாடப்பட்டது என்று ஆராய்வது அவசியம்.
நவீன அறிவியல் வளர்ச்சி காரணமாக தொல்லியல் துறையின் ஆராய்ச்சிப் பணிகள் எளிதாகவும் துல்லியமாகவும் உருப்பெற்றுள்ளன.
இந்த மண்ணில் வசிக்கும் நாம் அனைவரும் ஒரே மூதாதையரிடமிருந்து வந்துள்ளோம், நம் அனைவருக்கும் மூலம் ஒன்றுதான். எனவே இந்த ஆய்வுகள் நம்மை மேலும் ஒற்றுமைப்படுத்தி வலுப்படுத்த உதவும்' என்றார் கலாம்.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Right wing terror, did you say ?
The case of the right wing fanatic shooting down people in Norway seems to have turned the world's attention to right wing terror - or in other words, terror tactics by the majority population.
The more the governments want to 'show' that they encourage 'multi-culturalism' the more the right wingers develop.
Simple case in hand : India.
Nehruvian socialism, followed by many govts after him followed by careless pandering to the 'minorities' in India had eliminated the majority community from the Congress. Otherwise no body can explain the meteoric rise of the BJP in a span of 2 years.
The concept of 'secularism' was and is taken to the extreme that the govts tend to be more anti-majority-religion than the otherway round.
Even now, when Raja accused Chidambaram and the PM for being in the know of the 2G case, and then BJP asked Chidambaram to resign, the latter played the 'hindu-terror' card and said that the BJP was opposng him because he was trying to investigate the right wing violencce. Such actions only embolden the right wingers and help in consoidating them.
Addded to that is the left wing academicians that want to do away with anything that is Indian - right from history to medicine. This further alienated the majority community from these 'secular' avatars and begin to oppose such gimmics.
If not who can explain the stranglehold that the Shiv Sena has on the masses in Mumbai ? They cater to the wounded feelings of the majority community and thereby win their hearts.
It also seems that during the Gujarat riots after the Godhra rail burning, even middle class hindu house wives ( maamis in our parlance ) came out into the streets with logs in hand to participate. They were not trained to do that. But what was in show was the exhibition of a pent up anger suppressed for many years ( right from the days of the islamic invasions ).
Unless the govts of the day stop playing vote-bank politics and the Prime Ministers stop saying things like 'Muslims have the first right on the national resources', there is ample opportunity for the right wing to consolidate. Once this consolidation happens, the governments formed by them would be inimical to the so-called 'others'.
The 'seculars' understand this. Thus they play such divisive cards on the majority like caste politics and regional politics ( case in hand - Tamil Nadu - where candidate selection for elections is purely based on caste and religion however egalitarian and rationalist the parties would want the people to believe them to be ).
'Inclusive growth' should not only be there in election manifestoes but also be seen in action to avoid such polarization on religious grounds.
Well, while I might be reviled for this write-up, the fact of the matter is the more the pandering to the minorities, the more the chances for right wing terror to develop. A child plays pranks and throws tantrums mostly to draw attention to itself.
Will we, as a nation, understand this ?
The more the governments want to 'show' that they encourage 'multi-culturalism' the more the right wingers develop.
Simple case in hand : India.
Nehruvian socialism, followed by many govts after him followed by careless pandering to the 'minorities' in India had eliminated the majority community from the Congress. Otherwise no body can explain the meteoric rise of the BJP in a span of 2 years.
The concept of 'secularism' was and is taken to the extreme that the govts tend to be more anti-majority-religion than the otherway round.
Even now, when Raja accused Chidambaram and the PM for being in the know of the 2G case, and then BJP asked Chidambaram to resign, the latter played the 'hindu-terror' card and said that the BJP was opposng him because he was trying to investigate the right wing violencce. Such actions only embolden the right wingers and help in consoidating them.
Addded to that is the left wing academicians that want to do away with anything that is Indian - right from history to medicine. This further alienated the majority community from these 'secular' avatars and begin to oppose such gimmics.
If not who can explain the stranglehold that the Shiv Sena has on the masses in Mumbai ? They cater to the wounded feelings of the majority community and thereby win their hearts.
It also seems that during the Gujarat riots after the Godhra rail burning, even middle class hindu house wives ( maamis in our parlance ) came out into the streets with logs in hand to participate. They were not trained to do that. But what was in show was the exhibition of a pent up anger suppressed for many years ( right from the days of the islamic invasions ).
Unless the govts of the day stop playing vote-bank politics and the Prime Ministers stop saying things like 'Muslims have the first right on the national resources', there is ample opportunity for the right wing to consolidate. Once this consolidation happens, the governments formed by them would be inimical to the so-called 'others'.
The 'seculars' understand this. Thus they play such divisive cards on the majority like caste politics and regional politics ( case in hand - Tamil Nadu - where candidate selection for elections is purely based on caste and religion however egalitarian and rationalist the parties would want the people to believe them to be ).
'Inclusive growth' should not only be there in election manifestoes but also be seen in action to avoid such polarization on religious grounds.
Well, while I might be reviled for this write-up, the fact of the matter is the more the pandering to the minorities, the more the chances for right wing terror to develop. A child plays pranks and throws tantrums mostly to draw attention to itself.
Will we, as a nation, understand this ?
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Thanks a lot, Mr.Karunanidhi - Part 1
Really, what a feat !
A fantastic achievement that cannot be repeated in a 100 years to come !
And that needs another Karunanidhi to do that, no body else !
So what is the achievement all about ?
Was it the ability to create and maintain such a multitude of family ?
Was it the insatiable appetite for money that ensured that a 'naadaswaram' player from Thiruvarur became a multi-billionaire and in-turn created several multitudes of millionaries in different parts of the state with the only filter condition that the millionaires were members of the extend arms of your own family ?
Was it the innumerable awards that you received as the former chief minister and the final award for receiving the most number of awards from any Tom, Dick and Harry err.. Elavazhagan, Anbazhagan and Tamizh Maaran ( for the sake of Tamil you see ..).
Was it the great mockery that you and your extended family conducted in Coimbatore in the name of 'Semmozhi Maanaadu' - the classical tamil conference conducted at a whooping cost of Rs 350 crore ( public money, you see ) out of which only the contractors affiliated to your party stood to gain a lot ?
Was it your ability to completely bury the tamil folk arts by way of conducting 'Chennai Sangamam' with the help of an LTTE funded organization and thereby trying to keep Kanimozhi afloat in the murky world of tamil nadu politics ?
Let us look at your achievements one by one and congratulate you on each count for having systematically destroying each ( thanks to you and your group of loyal house-keepers for that !)
Let us start with the world of 'Rationalist Movement' erroneously called by different names such as 'Suya Mariyadhari Iyakkam ( Self Respect Movement ), 'Samooga Needi Iyakkam' ( Social Justice Movement ) etc and the numerous other epithets that are normally associated with you.
1. Rationalist Movement :
The so-called 'Rationalist Movement' espoused by the so-called 'Rationalist god-head' EVR ( Periyar for the masses )was supposed to have been the erradicator of all caste and religious eveils in the state. EVR was supposed to have helped attain equality among all castes and religions. He was supposed to have denounced all god-forms and hence all religions. But the reality is he tried to denounce the hindu gods and the brahmin community. Notwithstanding the merits of his policy, let us lok at how you dismembered his ideals ( if you can call them ideals ).
A. EVR was supposed to have been the 'Father of Tamils' ( Thamizhar Thandhai' ). But the reality is that he belonged to a Kannada speaking warrior community represented called 'Naiker'. He never renounced his name and signed all cheques and documents as 'E.V.Ramasamy Naicker'. So much for erradicating caste and religion. You had denounced Lord Ram. But the 'father of tamils' held on to 'Ramasamy' till his end.
B. EVR, true to his supposed beliefs, never seemed to worship god, hindu god at that. But you made EVR the thirteenth Azhwar ( holy man according to the Vaishnava Sect) by errecting his statue in front of the Sri Rangam temple. By your deed, the hindu pantheon got an 'Azhwar' free of cost, in fact at Govt cost and made EVR worship Lord Ranganatha 24x7, all days of the week in the Vaishava Holy land Sri Rangam. ( probably due to this yeoman service, your bete-noire Jayalalitha, a vaishnavite, has recently won her election from Sri Rangam).
C. The more you publicly criticize the hindu gods, the more your family members visit the temples of south india, probably to expiate the sins that you are causing by way of your utterences. Your wife Smt.Dayalu Ammal, your companion Rajathi Ammal, your daughter-in-law Durga Stalin and your daughter Selvi keep visiting temples, in pubic gare, to pray for your party's victory. What an achievement Sir ji. The more they visit the temples, the more their accompanying artists vist them and thus the temple priests ( the abnoxious brahmin community that is responsible for the dravidian down fall !! ) stands to gain by way of temple / plate offerings.
D. Your God EVR had said that God ( read hindu God as per the classical rationalist theory of Erode ) never existed. He further espoused that those who propogate God were barbarians. Hence you decided to increase the barbarian population and brought in a law allowing people of all castes to become 'Archakar' or priest thereby making EVR turn in his grave. Thanks for that service. Not only have the barbarian population increased but also those following those barbarians such as your family members who visit temples have increased.
E. Have you noticed that your family members have been visiting temples and performing yagas and homams at temples such as Kalahasthi, Thirunallaru, Madurai and Ramanathapuram only. These temples have only brahmin priests ? Why not ask them to alteast visit those temples where non-brahmins are priests ? Why don't they visit the village temples of deities such as Ayyanaar, Muneeswaran, Mariyamma etc ? Thanks for making them visit only brahmin-priested temples thereby closing the rationalistic coffin of EVR.
F. Again thanks for declaring time and again that the DMK was not a 'Sankara Matam' where successors are annointed by the prevailing Swamijis. You are right. In the 'Sankara Matams' there can only be one successor. But in the DMK, the state has been divided into many fiefdoms with each family member being incharge of each.
- to be continued -
A fantastic achievement that cannot be repeated in a 100 years to come !
And that needs another Karunanidhi to do that, no body else !
So what is the achievement all about ?
Was it the ability to create and maintain such a multitude of family ?
Was it the insatiable appetite for money that ensured that a 'naadaswaram' player from Thiruvarur became a multi-billionaire and in-turn created several multitudes of millionaries in different parts of the state with the only filter condition that the millionaires were members of the extend arms of your own family ?
Was it the innumerable awards that you received as the former chief minister and the final award for receiving the most number of awards from any Tom, Dick and Harry err.. Elavazhagan, Anbazhagan and Tamizh Maaran ( for the sake of Tamil you see ..).
Was it the great mockery that you and your extended family conducted in Coimbatore in the name of 'Semmozhi Maanaadu' - the classical tamil conference conducted at a whooping cost of Rs 350 crore ( public money, you see ) out of which only the contractors affiliated to your party stood to gain a lot ?
Was it your ability to completely bury the tamil folk arts by way of conducting 'Chennai Sangamam' with the help of an LTTE funded organization and thereby trying to keep Kanimozhi afloat in the murky world of tamil nadu politics ?
Let us look at your achievements one by one and congratulate you on each count for having systematically destroying each ( thanks to you and your group of loyal house-keepers for that !)
Let us start with the world of 'Rationalist Movement' erroneously called by different names such as 'Suya Mariyadhari Iyakkam ( Self Respect Movement ), 'Samooga Needi Iyakkam' ( Social Justice Movement ) etc and the numerous other epithets that are normally associated with you.
1. Rationalist Movement :
The so-called 'Rationalist Movement' espoused by the so-called 'Rationalist god-head' EVR ( Periyar for the masses )was supposed to have been the erradicator of all caste and religious eveils in the state. EVR was supposed to have helped attain equality among all castes and religions. He was supposed to have denounced all god-forms and hence all religions. But the reality is he tried to denounce the hindu gods and the brahmin community. Notwithstanding the merits of his policy, let us lok at how you dismembered his ideals ( if you can call them ideals ).
A. EVR was supposed to have been the 'Father of Tamils' ( Thamizhar Thandhai' ). But the reality is that he belonged to a Kannada speaking warrior community represented called 'Naiker'. He never renounced his name and signed all cheques and documents as 'E.V.Ramasamy Naicker'. So much for erradicating caste and religion. You had denounced Lord Ram. But the 'father of tamils' held on to 'Ramasamy' till his end.
B. EVR, true to his supposed beliefs, never seemed to worship god, hindu god at that. But you made EVR the thirteenth Azhwar ( holy man according to the Vaishnava Sect) by errecting his statue in front of the Sri Rangam temple. By your deed, the hindu pantheon got an 'Azhwar' free of cost, in fact at Govt cost and made EVR worship Lord Ranganatha 24x7, all days of the week in the Vaishava Holy land Sri Rangam. ( probably due to this yeoman service, your bete-noire Jayalalitha, a vaishnavite, has recently won her election from Sri Rangam).
C. The more you publicly criticize the hindu gods, the more your family members visit the temples of south india, probably to expiate the sins that you are causing by way of your utterences. Your wife Smt.Dayalu Ammal, your companion Rajathi Ammal, your daughter-in-law Durga Stalin and your daughter Selvi keep visiting temples, in pubic gare, to pray for your party's victory. What an achievement Sir ji. The more they visit the temples, the more their accompanying artists vist them and thus the temple priests ( the abnoxious brahmin community that is responsible for the dravidian down fall !! ) stands to gain by way of temple / plate offerings.
D. Your God EVR had said that God ( read hindu God as per the classical rationalist theory of Erode ) never existed. He further espoused that those who propogate God were barbarians. Hence you decided to increase the barbarian population and brought in a law allowing people of all castes to become 'Archakar' or priest thereby making EVR turn in his grave. Thanks for that service. Not only have the barbarian population increased but also those following those barbarians such as your family members who visit temples have increased.
E. Have you noticed that your family members have been visiting temples and performing yagas and homams at temples such as Kalahasthi, Thirunallaru, Madurai and Ramanathapuram only. These temples have only brahmin priests ? Why not ask them to alteast visit those temples where non-brahmins are priests ? Why don't they visit the village temples of deities such as Ayyanaar, Muneeswaran, Mariyamma etc ? Thanks for making them visit only brahmin-priested temples thereby closing the rationalistic coffin of EVR.
F. Again thanks for declaring time and again that the DMK was not a 'Sankara Matam' where successors are annointed by the prevailing Swamijis. You are right. In the 'Sankara Matams' there can only be one successor. But in the DMK, the state has been divided into many fiefdoms with each family member being incharge of each.
- to be continued -
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Thank You Pakistan !
Oh my God, what a grace from you, Pakistan. What a fantastic and timely diversion from regular doses of corruption ?
Thanks my dear friend, Pakistan. You have saved me again from the constant embarrassment of being watched and talked about on my incompetence as PM.
Thanks for diverting the entire media attention from 2G, CWG and Adarsh and the host of other inflation and price rise issues.
Now NDTV and CNN-IBN shall be busy atleast for the next 2 weeks conducting opinion polls on terrorism. Advani and Modi would talk about the blasts and hence the nation shall forget my corrupt govt for a while.
In any case Digvijay Singh would talk about saffron terrorism and keep the flames up for some more time.
'The Hindu' would run editorials asking me to conduct talks with Pakistan.
What I was not able to achieve by propping up Anna Hazare and later subdued Anna Hazare by propping up Ramdev and later on led the media with a midnight arrest drama of Ramdev, you have achieved by just 3 blasts.
Wishing you all the best for further such timely helps.
Soniaji conveys her thanks to you as well.
Thanks a million.
With Best Regards
Manmohan Singh
Prime Minister of India ( in all probability ).
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